Maha Massage Therapy, LLC
Great for the body & soul
Massage Modalities

You may be wondering, So what do all these terms mean anyway? What "type" of massage should I ask for? This page will clarify the definition of various massage modalities. The main thing you should know is that, at Maha Massage Therapy, we employ mutiple techniques (modalities) within each massage session to attain the best result. Different techniques may be used for different sessions, depending on what treatment options appear to be the most appropriate for that session.

Swedish - This is the foundation for all western massage. It is not uncommon for swedish and relaxation massage terms to be used interchangeably. However, swedish simply refers to the 5 basic strokes used in western massage (effleurage, petrissage, friction, vibration, tapotement). A "swedish" massage is really just a western style massage.  

Relaxation - Lots of effleurage and petrissage to relax, rejuvenate and melt stress away. Activates the parasympathetic nervous system (rest & digest as opposed to fight or flight) for a real feel good day. 

Orthopedic - Utilizes specific range of motion (ROM) techiniques to narrow which muscles are involved, and may have more patient involvement with the treatment, ie; client performs ROM while therapist works the muscles, etc.

Deep Tissue - Does not necessarily mean extreme pressure. Utilizes multiple techniques to reach deeper muscles/fascia to work through tension and adhesions. These techniques are used to address issues in specific areas - NOT for the entire body all at once.

Trigger Point - High intensity areas of tension are addressed by using static pressure for relief. May feel intense when employed during the massage. Not a techinique for everyone.

Myofascial - The fascia is connective tissue which surrounds muscles, organs, bones, etc. and is sometimes bound up due to body trauma. Myofascial techniques work to stretch fascia and release adhesions to allow for normal muscular movement again. The style used here tends to be a very slow and deliberate technique - feels very meditative.

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals 508-542-9688
345 Union Street , New Bedford, Ma 02740
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